A storyteller's sandbox
Family cookbook

Eating our way from the Appalachian Foothills to the Lowcountry of South Carolina
Click here to download the cookbook in EPub format.
Click here to download the cookbook in .mobi format.
Food provided inextricable memories of my childhood visits to my grandparents: Thanksgiving tenderloin from a freshly butchered hog; hand-churned ice cream slathered in Hershey's syrup; Granny's fried apple pies that oozed cinnamon and nutmeg. There was always something good to eat when the Wilsons got together.
Of course, many families can say the same. What set apart the Wilsons and the other folks on that ridge is that they put their backs into almost every bite they put into their bellies.
I compiled this cookbook to preserve not only the recipes, but the methods of cultivation and preservation that made them possible
And, of course, all of those fond memories.