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No rhyme or reason: Just photos that I took and that I like.

Just a bridge over water if you're not from Beaufort County, S.C. But if you ARE from Beaufort, you probably recognize this as the Great Divide — the bridge over Port Royal Sound, also called the Broad River. If you live here, you are from North of the Broad or South of the Broad ... and you know it.

Birds & Nature

Recent photographs of the natural beauty all around us, which, of course, includes our feathered friends. â€‹

I love the patience and concentration required to photograph birds well. I particularly enjoy seeing and photographing a species for the first time. My collection of firsts includes this sora, spotted in an old rice field.

Click photo to enlarge.

Travel & adventures
China and its many mysteries

These are shots from a student trip Debi led to China in 2011. You can read, see and hear more at The China Blog, which I assembled to chronicle our travels.

Beautiful Beaufort by the Sea

I had never been to Beaufort, S.C., until I interviewed for a job at the newspaper here in 1992. I figured I'd stick around a few years, then move on to a bigger, better job. Yet, here I am, more than two decades later. These photos explain a little about how Lowcountry plough mud can suck you in and hold you in place. There's no better place to be stuck, in my estimation.

"Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you."

​— Thomas Jefferson

© 2023 by JEFF KIDD. All rights reserved

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