A storyteller's sandbox
Me and my hobbies

I focus primarily on wildlife, drone and landscape photography. Click the link to see my portfolio page for more images.
Although I consider myself an amateur videographer, I have prepared videos for my work as both a journalist and a communications specialist at the 14th Circuit Solicitor's Office. Click the link to see more of my work.

I've long had an interest in family history, but in the past year or so, I've devoted quite a bit of energy to fleshing out my family tree. I now have documented more than 1,800 people in my extended family dating to the 1600s. I have documented much of what I have found with the help of and on sites at MacFamilyTree.com, MyHeritage.com and Ancestry.com. You can also read my Tales From the Attic blog on this website.

In the summer and fall of 2012, I took on a more ambitious project, chronicling the history of the family farm where my mother grew up in a full-length DVD. It was rough around the edges, but I was so happy to record stories I've heard for years — and stories I've never head before — and preserve them for my family.
I followed up with a family cookbook, which can be downloaded in PDF or ebook format on this website.